Call or Text 716-508-7725
Taking the first step to reach your goals...
Thank you for being here, it takes bravery to embark on the first step toward change. If you are feeling overwhelmed by emotions and life’s demands, my services aim to promote clarity by providing interventions that teach skills to better manage stress, worry, and low mood. With a little empathy and guidance you can gain new techniques to cope and better manage what’s holding you back from reaching your goals.
Meeting you where you're at
...with Empathy, Understanding, & Acceptance.
It can be hard to realize your feelings are bigger than what you can handle and even harder to reach out. If you’re feeling lost, anxious, down, or in an unhealthy situation you're having trouble breaking away from, try to remember you don’t have to navigate it all on your own. I have over 10 years experience successfully supporting many individuals find the strength to understand why they feel the way they do and obtain the skills needed to thrive and enjoy life fully. Send me a message today to see if working together would be the right fit for your situation.
Please note all sessions are Telehealth, using a HIPPA Compliant platform for your security.